Home Science Breakthrough in 2D Electron Gas Paves the Way for Ultra-Fast, Low-Power Spintronics

Breakthrough in 2D Electron Gas Paves the Way for Ultra-Fast, Low-Power Spintronics

Researchers at the Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), Mohali, have developed a transparent conducting interface between two insulating materials, creating a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) that exhibits room temperature spin polarization. This innovation holds promise for ultra-fast, low-power electronic devices, potentially revolutionizing spintronics and enabling advanced quantum devices with enhanced data storage and transfer capabilities.

Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST)
A visual representation of the 2D electron gas layer developed by INST, showcasing the alignment of electron spins at the interface of LaFeO3 and SrTiO3.

In a significant advancement in the field of spintronics, scientists at the Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), an autonomous research institution under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), have developed a transparent conducting interface between two insulating materials. This novel material enables electrons to move in a two-dimensional plane at room temperature, with their spins all aligned in the same direction. This breakthrough could greatly enhance data transfer speeds and data storage capacities in next-generation electronic and quantum devices.

The research, led by Prof. Suvankar Chakraverty and his team at INST, focuses on creating a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with room temperature spin polarization at the interface of two oxide materials—LaFeO3 and SrTiO3. By growing superlattices and heterostructures of these oxides, the team successfully realized a 2DEG that could be pivotal for future quantum devices.

For years, the concept of spintronics—an emerging field that exploits the spin degree of freedom of electrons along with their charge—has been largely theoretical. Spintronics promises to surpass the limitations of traditional electronics by offering new functionalities, such as spin currents and spin manipulation. With the advent of advanced materials and nanoscale fabrication techniques, the once-elusive behaviors of spintronics are now within reach.

The interface between LaFeO3 and SrTiO3 developed by the INST team is unique in its ability to maintain spin polarization at room temperature, a feat that had not been achieved with other SrTiO3 interfaces. The electrons at this interface experience less resistance due to spin alignment, a phenomenon known as negative magnetoresistance. Additionally, the electrons demonstrate the anomalous Hall effect, where the current is deflected sideways due to the spin-polarized electrons, a result of structural transitions in SrTiO3 at the interface.

These properties are crucial for the development of next-generation quantum devices, especially those utilizing transparent materials. The ability to manipulate spin in transparent materials could lead to innovations such as transparent phone screens that process information with spin currents or solar cells that generate electricity while also manipulating spin for advanced functionalities.

The research, supported by grants from the DST-Nanomission and the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), was published in the journal Physical Review B. The findings could open new avenues in quantum-device physics, particularly in the development of transparent spintronics, dissipation-less electronics, and advanced quantum computers.

By integrating spintronics into existing devices like displays and solar cells, this breakthrough offers the potential to create entirely new device architectures, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in electronics and quantum technology.